Saturday, July 4, 2020

An Independence Day Toast

Today we honor not only the courage and vision of those who won our independence, but we should also pause to give thanks and remember those things we enjoy as drunkards.

Unless a terrible vocational choice has been made, we are spending the day in drunken splendor. Our founding fathers were wise enough to choose a beautiful summer day with us in mind. We barbeque, we bask in the air conditioned comfort of our homes, huddle together in cool, dark bars, and we blow shit up. Most importantly, we drink. It's our right. We drink as an observation to this right. Hell, it's our duty.

Nobody has the right to tell us not to drink, or what to drink, or how to drink, or how much to drink, or who we can drink with, or where to drink, or when to drink, or to what we will drink.

So join me with a lifted glass and celebrate the freedom to drink. And let's also drink a little for those who are no longer around to join us in this toast.

Cheers to all of you. And cheers to America. Nice job.